While the doing is difficult, you can only install a upgrade GPU that was one of the other GPU options offered for that iMac model year, only.įinding these optional, higher VRAM GPUs will be very expensive to obtain and very difficult to install. The 2009-2011, 27 inch screen models have a socketed GPU Chip ( similar idea of the old ZIF socketed CPUs of older, more upgradeable Macs of the past). So, no way to swap out a GPU in these models. The 21 inch screen iMac models always had their GPUs soldered to the logic board. does being 32 bit affects gaming performance and rendering performance (in sony vegas) and if so, how grat would be the performance from 32 to 64? to see if it is worth it to pay the 300$ apple charges me to replace the SuperDrive.

i have a "hack" tho that makes it able to use the rest of the ram (it does work) but my CD reader is being sissy and it wont accept me any disk other than movies or music CD's, it used to read everything, but i don't know if damage or software updates made it puke the disk every god **** time and that is why i cant go up to 64 bit. If this is not doable, would someone like to buy a mid-2011 iMac? xDĪn other question, does having windows 32bit can affect the gaming performance? Specialy in BF4? I have 4 gigs of ram, i know 32bit can only access 3.2 or so. Does the iMac has a PCI or PCIe where the graphics card goes or it is a custom mother board with the graphics soldered to it? I intend to use it on bootcamp, if this is doable, would bootcamo have problem recognizing it? I want to upgrade to an iMac's graphics card, not any card like a GTX 780, but just a better version of this mobile card with at least 512mb on Vram.
I mean that 256mb of Vram is absolutley ridiculous, barely any game is satified with that vram this days, i only can play battlefield 3 at 1080p in low settings at 25 fps, and at 720p at 50, in god **** low settings, so, it is pretty ****** up, now, i can't play BF4, shure, i can play and plays well, except for sudden lag, or freezing, the FPS drop down to 0 and stays there for half a seccond to 3 secconds, then i can keep playing (barely) Is it possible to upgrade the mid-2011 iMac's graphics card? What i mean by this and wht i intend to do with it.